Ridge Park HOA https://ridgeparkhoa.com/ Homeowners Organizing for Action Thu, 06 Mar 2025 08:59:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Vote for me for Financial Stability! https://ridgeparkhoa.com/2025/02/21/i-need-your-vote/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=i-need-your-vote https://ridgeparkhoa.com/2025/02/21/i-need-your-vote/#respond Fri, 21 Feb 2025 03:51:00 +0000 https://ridgeparkhoa.com/?p=20 22 Feb, 2025 Dear Fellow Unit Owner, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you as […]

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22 Feb, 2025

Dear Fellow Unit Owner,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you as a candidate for the Executive Board and respectfully request your support and vote in the upcoming election.

This year, the board approved an additional $450 per month in assessments to fund projects that were voted on, which has already had a financial impact on all of us. With your support, we can work towards a more transparent and fiscally responsible approach, ensuring that future assessments are carefully considered and better aligned with the community’s interests.

On the reverse side of this letter, you will find my platform outlining strategies to help prevent further additional assessments.

The most important step you can take to safeguard our community’s financial stability is to vote. Here are the voting options for March 3rd:

1. In-Person:
• Attend the meeting in the clubroom (doors open at 6:30 PM).

2. Online:
• Vote via Zoom using your unique unit identifier. A link has been emailed to all owners.

3. Proxy:
• If you cannot attend, you may submit a signed proxy by mail, email (ridgeparkoffice1@gmail.com), or drop it off at the business office. 

Thank you for your time, consideration, and support. Together, we can protect our community’s financial integrity and ensure that every unit owner’s voice is represented.

Brendan Gifford

I am running for our HOA board because I believe in fairness, transparency, and financial responsibility—all of which are lacking in how the board is handling our money.

The board has imposed a $450 per month assessment on all homeowners, claiming it’s to “increase reserves.” While our bylaws (5.1.4) state that the board can levy additional assessments for reserves, our declaration (10.3) states that special assessments for same-year expenses require a 2/3 vote of all homeowners. Instead of following the rules, the current board is using a loophole—calling this a reserve assessment while immediately spending the money on projects theyalone approved.  And they have dismissed reasonable alternatives for funding these projects.

This is not right, and it’s not how our HOA should operate. Every homeowner deserves a fair say in financial decisions that impact all of us.

Why I’m Running & What I Will Fight For:

 Enforcing the 2/3 Homeowner Vote Requirement – If an assessment is a special assessment, it should go to a vote. No more workarounds.
✅ A Responsible, Phased Approach to Repairs – Instead of a massive immediate financial burden, we should spread repairs out over time.
✅ A Realistic Reserve Plan – The board is using an inflated reserve studyas a scare tactic. We need practical financial planning that makes sense.
✅ Full Transparency on Major Expenses – No more backroom decisions that affect our finances. Homeowners deserve to be informed and involved.

This is our community, and our voices should matter. If you believe infairness, transparency, and financial responsibility, I ask for your support. Let’s stop financial manipulation and ensure our HOA is managed in a way that works for everyone.

Vote for me, Brendan Gifford, because we all deserve a fair say!

The post Vote for me for Financial Stability! appeared first on Ridge Park HOA.

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